Friday, August 01, 2008


Seems like I haven't updated this blog in ages~! That's cause I've changed a new job and is tired and stressed out every day due to the challenges that awaits me every single day. Photobucket I lose sleep thinking about my job. I dream about my job and basically slump there on my chair after work every day. I neglected cleaning my house, neglected updating my personal blog (Still got update but lesser than before) and of course, I've neglected this blog too.

However, I will not neglect going out with friends or my Dar no matter how busy or stressed though I think they can see my stamina is no longer as good as before. Dar is very sweet as he tries to do whatever housework I asked him and make sure I have my dinner every day.

So every day around 4pm I will receive a call or sms from him asking me what I wanted for dinner. ;D Keep asking me to drink more water or drag me to breakfast every Sat before Choir just so I can stay healthy and well. I just hope he can play lesser of Maple Story then I will be damn happy.

Now what can I do for him then?Photobucket

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