Monday, May 19, 2008

Of my headaches

That day we spent a lazy Sat afternoon at home before we had to go out for dinner with our family...

Having slept at 4am the previous day and having choir practice at 930am that morning, I was feeling quite tired. At one point I was waiting for the 僵尸道长 to load before I can watch, I turned to look at my husband playing his Maple Story....

He looked up and said "Having headache again right?" ...

I was like ". . . and how do you know?"

and he said "Of course, who do you think I am to you?"

Couldn't suppress my smile as I felt really touched that he can know just how I am feeling without me even batting my eyelid or telling him outright....

幸福 。 。 。


Anonymous said...

Such a sweet story :) Beautiful wedding photos btw!

Marz Corbeau said...

how sweet!